Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Healing cut

Fresh cut

adding wet blood

adding other scars to enhance

This light blended it the best

The hardest part of doing the scar was blending it to the skin. It was very difficult to make the netting disappear into the skin. When we put it on the face I had to cut it down in order to fit it to the cheek. Because of this it was harder to make the edges blend away. I added cuts and bruises to the face to enhance the look of the scar. If I were to do this again I think I would put a different type of scar on the right side of my face. To me it looked a little to symmetrical to be realistic. I would also probably make the scar a lot smaller to be able to fit it to the face and make it easier to blend.


  1. Laura, I had the same problem with edges with my appliance too! It was hard! I think it would've helped for you to cut your appliance down even more. I think next time I'm going to try and make it thinner around the edges when I'm first applying the latex as well. But overall, you did a good job. Your bloody nose looks really cool!

  2. I had the same issue with getting mine to blend. It was really frustrating. I think yours turned out really well on your face. The bruising and bloody nose make it much mor believable.

  3. It looks really good. I had trouble blending my edges as well. The edge closest to my nose kept rolling away from my face. Let me know if you come up with a solution.:)

  4. You did a good job on your cut:) maybe cut around the edges of the latex just a little bit more,but good job Laura:D
